The Untangled Band members are Peter Thomas: lead vocals and ukulele - Cam Sobalvarro: lead ukulele and vocals - Michele Whizin: Bass and vocals - Brian Jacobs: washboard. The band performs with Peter and Michele as a duo, adding Cam makes a trio, and adding Brian makes the full band.

Lyrics for songs performed by Untangled

I’m Glad to be Here.

I’m glad to be here, to be here today
Glad that I left yesterday and went on my way
Cause if I stayed where I was, I wouldn’t be here to say:
I’m glad to be here, to be here today.
1. I’ve traveled this country North, South, East and West
Been everywhere in the 48 or as best I can guess
Still I can’t say where it is that I like the best
Where I’d want to hang my hat or take my final rest. 
2. I lived on a ranch near Omaha, in a house in San Antone
On a commune by Frisco, in New York I lived alone.
I lived a lot more places as I wandered and roamed
But I cant say where it is I’d want to make my home.                                
3. As I roam I play my songs, both for tips and pay
At festivals and county fairs I pass along the way
In little bars and coffee shops and still I cannot say
Where I’d want to sing this song, on my final day. 

A Regular Guy

1. Jay Ben Joseph lived across town. His friends they called him JB.
Worked for his dad in a cabinet shop. He seemed a regular guy to me.
Chorus: He seemed a regular guy. Just a regular guy.
He seemed a regular guy. Just a regular guy to me.
2. Jay Ben Joseph he liked to hike alone, 40 days in the desert by the sea.
Also like to party had 12 good friends. He seemed a regular guy to me.
3. Jay Ben Joseph got in trouble with the law for giving fish and bread out for free.
Cops took him in for trying to be king. He seemed a regular guy to me.
4. Jay Ben Joseph got hung out to dry, in a case of mistaken identity ID.
Sometimes things just go that way. He seemed a regular guy to me.
Coda: Three days later I saw him again, Walking ‘round just like you and me.
Didn’t seem a regular guy anymore. And his friends now called him JC.

I Want to Turn Water Into Wine

I want to turn water into wine. Make a dollar for a dime.
Get what I want all the time. And I want to turn water into wine.
1. I want to eat whatever I choose. Make a bet and never loose.
Be the King of Santa Cruz.
2. I want to drive a fancy car. Dine on steak and caviar. 
Get my wish upon a star. 
3. I want to let my little light shine. Strike it rich at a gold mine.
Draw four aces every time.
4. I want to fly to the moon. Write a million selling tune
Have my house paid off by June.

Rock With Me

I hopped on the bus, heading down town,
The road was rough and we were rocking all around.
Rock with me baby. (Rock with me baby.)
Bounce with me baby. (Bounce with me baby.)
Forget about those other riders, rock with me tonight
2. She got on the bus, at stop number 3, and the only empty seat was next to me.
3. That girl next to me had long blond hair, deep blue eyes and a loving stare. 
4. Our song came on the radio.It started out fast and ended real slow.
5. We ride the same bus most every day. Hope some time I’ll get the nerve to say.

Lots of Stuff

I’ve got lots of stuff I don’t need no more
I’ve got lots of stuff I don’t need no more
I’ve got lots of stuff I don’t need no more
I guess that I just might have too much stuff
1. I have an old mountain bike I will never ride.
There’s new shoes in the closet I have never tried.
There’s stuff all around the house I wish I had not buyed.
I guess that I just might have too much stuff. 
2. I have books on the shelf that I won’t read again.
Old clothes that don’t fit cause I’m just not that thin.
There’s stuff out of the attic I cannot shove back in.
I guess that I just might have too much stuff.
3. I have a ping pong table I haven’t used in years.
Old bottles in the yard from drinking all those beers.
Got a toaster in a box that should go back to Sears.
I guess that I just might have too much stuff.


Should I do that, or should I do this?
And if I do, what will I miss?
FOMO. YOLO. What the heck am I going to do?
It’s finally Friday night, and it’s payday too!
You Only Live Once. What am I going to do?
FOMO. YOLO. What the heck am I going to do?
1. My buddy’s going skiing down an avalanche chute.
He says come along its a rush and a hoot.
FOMO. YOLO. What the heck am I going to do?
2.The jackpot is the biggest that it’s ever been.
I should go to the casino, cause you gotta go to win.
3. I could join the gang, bar hopping ‘till it’s light,
Or there’s a girl who said to call, and maybe spend the night.
4. It’s Friday night and payday’s here,
Before I do anything I think I’ll have a beer.
5. So it’s last call at the bar. I’m not where I want to be.
I fear the Fear Of Missing Out did it again to me.
FOMO. YOLO. What the heck am I going to do?

Always Late

1. I know that I have my faults, sometimes I seem to stray,
But there’s one thing I cannot change, I’ve tried a million ways…
I’m always late, always late. I think I’m doing fine,
But something always happens, and I’m late another time.
I’m always late, always late. It’s not my plan,
But something always happens. I’m a chronic too late man.
2. I have a date at nine o’clock so Ileave home at eight
Between traffic and no parking spot I arrive a half hour late. 
I run upstairs, go to her door and ring the doorbell chime
She opens up and says to me, “You’ve come late one more time.”
Time keeps on running, I’m running out of Time.
3. We’re leaving for the movies, my phone rings another time.
And when we finally get there, we’re the last ones in the line.
Movie ends, I take her home, we do things that go with wine…
“You are the best,” she said to me, “you’ve come late one more time.”

Dollars not Dimes

I’m working for dollars but taking home dimes. I need money. (He needs money)
The bills keep coming and that’s a sign. I got debt. (He’s got debt)
I work, work, work, all of the time,
But I can’t keep a hold of what oughta be mine,
It’s dollars, not dimes, that I need. if you please.
To be living in times as tough as these. 

2. I have to pay my bills, and I have to pay my rent. He needs money. 
But my next paycheck is already spent. He’s got debt.
3. I slide my debit card in the ATM machine. He needs money.
But nothing comes out and you know what that means. He’s got debt.
4. I know I’d win the lottery, ‘cause I have lots of luck. He needs money. 
But I can’t buy a ticket cause I don’t have a buck. He’s got debt
5. I heard about a place pennies fall from the sky. He needs money. .
But I need more than pennies and that’s no lie. He’s got debt
6. Well a nickel is a nickel and a dime is a dime. He needs money. 
I got to go to work. Let’s end it this time. He’s got debt    

I Ain’t Making Any Money

I ain’t making any money, I’ve been FUN-employed for nearly half a year.
I ain’t making any money, still I’m glad to be sitting right here…
Singing you this song and drinking beer.
1. Had a job since I was 18. Got up with the sun each day. Never had spare time for nothing. Then I got my pinkslip, and now all I do is play. (chorus)
2. Now I lay round in the morning, No more rat race working strife.
Hike, bike, golf or go out fishing. I don’t have a care in my life….. (chorus)
3. I got bad news, the party’s over. Un-employment ended yesterday.
Alarm clock life starts in the morning
But I really can’t complain that’s sure to say… (chorus)
I have run out of money, I’ve been un-employed for nearly half a year.
I have run out of money, so I can’t afford to be sitting here…
Singing you my song or drinking beer. 
(Won’t you fill that tip jar please, dear. 
So I can end this song and buy a beer.)


Let’s Pretend We Just Met

Let’s pretend we just met and we’re falling in love.
Our hearts overflowing, hands fit like a glove.
It’s just you and me, with our hearts all abuzz.
Let’s pretend we just met and we’re falling in love.
1. When we first met, what kindled the flame?
What did you see in me? What made me proclaim?
That I would love you, how can I explain?
How it was, when we met, when I asked you your name.
2. When I asked you your name with a deep loving stare,
You brushed my hand, I touched your hair.
Your glances and whispers told me you would care.
When we first met I was walking on air.
3. I was walking on air, the stars shone up above.
The look in our eyes said that we were in love.
Back in that time we were all we thought of.
Let’s pretend we just met, and we’re falling in love.

I’m Not That Old

Is your age just a number? Do you know what I mean?
Is prime forty-three or is it seventeen?
Since time is relative, just be bold and say: I’m not that old.
1. 18s just the same as 1 and 17, or 3 and 2 and 13. Teenage angst, 
such a scene. What is a lifetime? Do years pass by? Does time fly?
3. 40s not the same as 21 and having funbut it’s the same as 19 and 21.
Numbers are numbers, they’re not true. Age is up to you. 
3.80s just the same as 35 and 45, Or 25 and 55. Always glad to be alive!
You decide when old begins for to you. Then make it true

My Cup

My cup, always seems, half empty. Even though, it could be seen, half full. Fill it up, fill my cup, oh yah.
1.When other people see me they think every thing is fine.
They think I drink from a crystal gobletfilled with fine French wine.
But they can see inside of me, and the things I hide inside.
2. If you think of my life compared to some, I was born with a silver spoon;
I don’t know why sometimes I’m down and my life seem filled with gloom:
I guess little troubles just magnify then I darken like a tomb.
3. I wonder what is wrong with me and think what can I do
I search for help out side of me some where beyond the blue
I just raise my glass to the sky and cry again anew…

What is the Truth?  

Look before you leap, that’s what I hear them say, 
But he who hesitates is lost, that seems to go the other way.
Why are things so confusing? I want to know what is the truth? 
Tell me what is the truth? Ah please now tell me. (echo ‘tell me’)   
Tell me what is the truth? Tell me (echo ‘tell me’) I want to know.
2. Better safe than sorry that’s what I hear them say
But nothing ventured nothing gained seems to go the other way, 
3. Money talks is what I hear them say,
But talk is cheap seems to go the other way. 
4. Knowledge is power is what I hear them say,
But ignorance is bliss seems to go the other way. 
5. “You can’t take it with you” is what I hear them say,
But save for a rainy day seems to go the other way.

I Wish I Knew Then

I wish I knew then what I know now. Wish I knew when. I wish I knew how.
I wish I knew then. What I needed to know.
1.She was 21, that’s what she said.
I was loose and hopeful, and easily led.
Bought her a drink, so what did I know… 
2. We left the bar together; it was no easy feat.
Our mind were in the gutter, shoes barely on the street,
Wandering way off from, that straight and narrow.
3. I married her in Reno, I couldn’t say no
My friends said they, would be telling me so
But a chapel of love wedding seemed just the way to go.
4. We went too fast, what did I know?
I was just a lonesome, so and so.
Hoping to god that she would never go.
5. Now I’m back the bar, by my self, all alone.
Wishing she would text, wishing she would phone.
Telling myself, that, I should have known… 

Life Isn’t Fair.

Life isn’t fair.(Echo) We all know that is true.(Echo). Life isn’t fair.(Echo) 
Not for me and not for you. (Echo) There’s no justice it seems. (Echo)
Why don’t the gods seem to care. (Echo: Why don’t they care?) 
Life’s just the luck of the draw and that is really not fair.
1. Some live in mansions and have the Midas touch, Others live in shanties and never earn that much, Trust fund, hard work, lottery, welfare or millionaire.
2. Some never have a trouble; life is just a dream. Artificial, genuine, some nice and others mean. Some are shy and awkward; others suave and debonair.
3. Man or woman, rich or poor, I know we’ll all agree. Dying young or dying old, there is no guarantee. Se la vie with savoir faire:

For the Good Times Passed and Those Yet to Come.

1. The beer is flat. Is that the sun? I see the coffee’s cold.
We hope these songs have pleased you all. It’s time to end the show.
2. And if we had a magic wish, And past time could reclaim,
Tonight we’d wish for nothing more, Than to sing for you again.
3. Yes seize the day! Embrace your fate! Don’t fear the reapers scythe! 
Let’s all join voices before we end, and sing to Auld Lang Syne:
For Auld Lang Syne my friends,
For Auld Lang Syne,
We’ll share a cup of kindness yet,
For Auld Lang Syne.

For Auld Lang Syne my friends,
For Auld Lang Syne,
We hope you’ll come to our next show,
For Auld Lang Syne.

All songs © 2002-2019 by Peter Thomas
260 15thAve. Santa Cruz, CA 95062

August shows